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Commencement date: 28th July 2010

Extent: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland

Introduction and summary

The Firearms Acts (Amendment) Regulations 2010 came into effect on the 28th July 2010.

The regulations raise the age at which people in England, Wales and Scotland may

purchase or hire firearms or ammunition to 18 years. There are also changes to Northern

Ireland legislation.

The regulations stem from the European Weapons Directive 1991 as amended in 2008.

The UK are obliged to adopt changes within two years of any new Directive being passed.

This document outlines those changes and how they are to be implemented into UK


There are other areas which will be affected such as Registered Firearms Dealers’

registers, blank firing imitation firearms and deactivated firearms, but these will not come

into effect for some time yet.

Below is the amended Article 5 of the EU directive which shows the basis for the changes

that the UK are adopting;

Without prejudice to Article 3, Member States shall permit the acquisition and possession

of firearms only by persons who have good cause and who:

(a) are at least 18 years of age, except in relation to the acquisition, other than through

purchase, and possession of firearms for hunting and target shooting, provided that in

that case persons of less than 18 years of age have parental permission, or are under

parental guidance or the guidance of an adult with a valid firearms or hunting licence, or

are within a licensed or otherwise approved training centre;

The wording requires two changes to UK legislation. The first is to raise the purchase age

to 18 years and the second to ensure that adult or parental supervision is applied to under

18 year olds. The following outlines those changes according to the types of firearm.

General changes

Air weapons

The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 previously raised the age at which air rifles and

pistols could be purchased to 18 years. This already complies with the EU directive.

Carrying shotguns or firearms and ammunition for sporting purposes – Section

11(1) of the Firearms Act 1968

This exemption allows a person without a certificate to carry a firearm or ammunition to

which section 1 of the 1968 Act applies, or shot guns, under the instruction of the

certificate holder. The bearer may only carry them on behalf of the certificate holder for

the certificate holders sporting purposes only. It does not entitle the bearer to use the

firearm or shot gun.

Where the bearer is aged less than 18 years, the certificate holder who they are under

instruction from, must be aged 18 years or over.

Possession at race meetings – Section 11(2) of the Firearms Act 1968

Section 11(2) i.e. possession of firearms for race starting at athletic meetings will be

amended to prohibit persons under 18 from having possession in these circumstances.

Section 2 Shotguns

Purchase/sale to minors – Section 22(1) & 24(1) of the Firearms Act 1968

The purchase age is raised from 17 years to 18 years. The law is also amended to make

an offence to sell to under 18’s. This does not affect the age at which a young person may

be granted a shotgun certificate nor does it affect the gifting of shotguns to certificate

holders aged 15 years or older.

15-17 year olds, gifting and use

The parent or guardian signature required by the certificate application form for anybody

under 18 was deemed to be compliant with the EU Directive. Certificate holders in age

group are still allowed to be on private premises with an assembled shotgun without

supervision where permission has been granted by the landowner/shooting rights owner

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