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Free - Brush and Mop for .308/7.62


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I have just had a Kleen Bore Cleaning Kit arrive for a .308/7.62 - It is marked .30 - .30-06 - .308/7.62! I bought this kit second hand to use for my .243 (I knew that I needed to buy a .243 mop and bronze brush when I bought the kit but it was cheap so no worries). I have no need for the Bronze Brush which looks to be unused nor do I need the Mop which looks like it has had light use but is still perfectly servicable and maybe washable so they are both up for grabs!

I do not want anything for the .308/7.62 brush and mop and I will pay the postage (Which should only be a couple of bob). The first person to say that they want it on this thread will get it. I will then acknowledge that it is yours and wait till you PM me with your postal details. If the recipient does want to give anything for them then maybe they could make a small donation to help Our Heroes!


I've attached a photo so you can see that the bronze brush is unused and also see the condition of the mop!


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