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Crow shooting with the new ES100


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Got a new Beretta ES100 on friday and the gamekeeper wanted some corvids reduced that were plaguing his hoppers and gamecrop so thought it was an ideal oppotunity to try out my new gun. Set up two small groups of decoys, with a gap in between them for my "kill zone" There was a house about 150 yards to my left so all my shooting was reduced to the immediate front or to the right. No sooner had I slid three Prima 7s into the gun, a small pack of jackdaws came whizzing in, only one presenting a shot which I happily was successful with :good: I then had about four hours good sport, with lots of jackdaws as well as single or pairs of carrion crows and rooks falling to my new ES100. I pulled off a treble, three left and rights, and just to show off, twice had two jackdaws dead in the air with one shot :D four woodpigeons also bit the dust as they went to roost before I packed up with 58 corvids and 4 pigeons in the bag. So was vey happy with the ES100, it proved its reliablity and accuracy and look forward to using it again soon!!

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excellent shooting mate, well done and health to enjoy :good: but do you think it suits you :lol: some pics would be good of your new gun ?




I will get some pics put up, unfortunately my battery died before I could take any of the bag. And yeh, nice light gun for a 12 bore, be good for squirrels etc fast handling too, ideal in the hide or shooting bolting rabbits

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