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Guest cookoff013

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reloading 12g and .410, but for 12g but I don't believe I'm saving money. If someone can show me how reload a 12g cartridge cheaper than the £140.00 per thousand that I paid for the last load of 1oz 12g cartridges I will be well impressed. As an example current prices from Henry Krank; Lead £36 to £46 for 7kg, which at 28grams will fill 250 cartridges at 14.5p each, I use Green Dot at £32 a pound so 24 grains will fill 290 carts at 11p each. Primers are 4p each and wads are 5p. So, I can buy at 12g cartridge for 14p, shoot it, and then reload it for 34p. The numbers have to be better for .410 which cost more but only use half the powder and shot. If I worked that out I'd probably stop doing it. Here's another thought, Midway's 'cheap' lead is £100 for 25lbs, which works out to 25p per cartridge. Cheaper to buy cartridges, cut 'em open and get your reloading lead that way me thinks. I might save money with a shot making machine, as there's a bloke in the pub selling roofing lead for a good price, said he was worried the weight of it might bring the old church roof down so he took it off for them for free.


you are paying way too much for your components.

-greendot is very expensive, vectan AS is cheaper per kg, and you use less of it ! so save lots, primers should be 3.3p each. the wads can be bought for a few pence 2-2.5 max. as for the lead, shop around and see whats the best deal, i think one company was £42 for 12kg.

if i recolect vectan as, is £15 for 500g, 20grains are used in 1oz loads (i think, this isnt load data.dont copy.) thats 7000gr per lb (7709 grains per 500g.) thats 385 (20grain) loads per 500g (3.8p a shot)

primer, 4p, 4p powder, 4p wad, 5-6p in lead. (i think. £170/1000)and thats with factory shot.

(i`ve rounded up alittle, but you get the point)


you definately will save money getting your own lead, i dont do it as i am afraid of heights.

if you load your own soursed lead then £120 / k is possable.



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