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NV add on.


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Yukon nvmt 4 add-on.

As title, comes with the proper DSA mount and seven adapter rings also the yukon 100Mw ir illuminator.

The mono has lost some paint where i had to extract a dsa bolt because it had rounded off.

The illuminator has one home made weaver clamp / bracket part as i lost the fiddly litte thing.

Got the case aswell for the mono and a spare battery.

Great for air gun use.

It does have one tiny spot at about the 4 O'clock mark (depending on which way held/fitted) to be honest it has never been a problem to me because of it's location.



£150.00 FTF so you know what you're getting.


Will sort some pic's if required.




PS: for those unsure this is the 1X mag.


PPS: if interested please PM me.

Edited by PLAGUE
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