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barrell lenght


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Worth remembering the length of the overall gun is longer so as a guide if you want a 28 inch Over and under equivalant then buy a 26 inch semi.


To give you an example my SX3 30 inch barrels is longer than my old 32inch blaser F3!


I like the steadiness of the longer barrels personally although rough shooting a shorter gun may suit you better so an all rounder would be a 26inch or 28inch - 28inch would be my choice.


Its a bit of what your happy with if it feels comfortable and fits you then you wont go far wrong. Although if you drift towards clays my two penneth would be to go for longer barrels / gun like a 28.

Edited by Dibs
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It is a matter of personal choice and how you feel the gun handles when you try it. Like Dibs says the semi is longer than the same barrel length in o/u, in o/u I prefer 30" barrels, but with my semi I chose a 28" barrel.


One thing to look at is the stock length as well, with some I tried the stock length was shorter than a o/u, which then felt uncomfortoble when monting the gun.

Edited by BerettaSV10
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