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Heyday of the British Shotgun - New


All about shotguns around the turn of the 20 th century. It covers the different types of society and their guns, like the British officer, the gentry, the poacher etc

Excellent book wit loads of colour photos and a copy of an old gun catalogue.

£24 posted ono


Iron Rook Rifle sights (back and front)

£3 posted

Edited by mattslaptop247
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Heyday of the British Shotgun - New


All about shotguns around the turn of the 20 th century. It covers the different types of society and their guns, like the British officer, the gentry, the poacher etc

Excellent book wit loads of colour photos and a copy of an old gun catalogue.

£24 posted ono


Iron Rook Rifle sights (back and front)

£3 posted



Lime energy saver - a device that you can connect all your plugs like your TV, DVD player etc into. It has an Infra red devive on it so that when you turn your TV off it will turn off your DVD player, Sky box and what ever else you have connected to it, sorry if that isn't worded to well but I hope you understand what I mean. Brand new in box.

£7 posted

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