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thinking about reloading .243

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I would challenge your comments about privi. Last August I was scoring for someone who shot nine bulls or v-bulls in a row at 600yds using privi. That same week a friend did something similar at 300yds with an AR15 he had just bought that day and was trying out.

Privi always gets talked down because its cheap but its no way inferior. A lot of target shooters have come round to realising just how good it is.

Prvi's match stuff isn't bad, my old Remington liked it.


If Prvi works in your rifle, then brilliant. I've tried it extensively over the years and at best it's bearable, at worst it's pretty bad. There ARE better quality bullets out there and by reloading you can use these for the same sort of money as Prvi's inferior bullet.


However, I do agree that if Prvi's working, then easier to use it because IF your gun likes it, then nothing wrong with it.

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