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I have just fitted my yo dave trigger kit which arrived today.Bought mine from ebay off formeryodave..£12.00 inc p&p.Took 6 days to arrive from canada,which i thought was very good.

Was really easy to fit,I too was worried about removing pins,breaking trigger etc..but after watching a few videos on youtube and step by step pics on the yodaveproducts.com website,it turned out to be a simple process.


I removed the original trigger pin by gently drilling the head off using a new( sharp ) 4.5mm/5.0mm hss drill bit just enough to remove the rounded over section/head of pin.there was very little swarf and the metal of the pin was quite soft.Was gonna use my dremmel but not enough room and was worried about marking the rest of metalwork if i slipped !!.I then used a 3/3.5 mm drill bit to knock out the pin,no drift punch to hand and very little knocking was required :good: Followed instructions for rest of install with no probs..

Think the spring and shim tube combo you use is a personal choice depending on what type of shooting you do and the feel of trigger your trying to get,but not forgetting the saftey side of things too !!.I went for the heaviest spring and smallest shim..its worked an absolute treat,a vast improvement over original trigger.. :yay:

Sorry this post has been slightly long winded but just hope my experience of this kit may help a fellow shooter ..Thanx for reading .. :thanks:

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