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sh gun/ air rifle & beating req derby area

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Sh gun/air rifle shooting & beating req derby area


Here's my cv:


I'm a 44 year old self employed domestic plumber.


Got back into shooting last year after almost 20 years off.


Have only been shooting clays since my return, and averaging the upper 30's/50, but am getting better !

Done a bit of door knocking on the local farms, sent out a number of written requests, but not had any positives so far.


Am looking for a bit of pigeon/rough/pest/lamping, anything really, open to all offers.

Being self employed, I can often make time in the week, if it helps.

I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position, and would appreciate any help or offers, even if it's just to keep the birds moving, or making up the numbers on a fox drive.


On the beating front, I was a beater at Calke Abbey in the 80's, before the trust acquired it, and am keen to do a bit again this coming winter.

I'm pretty close to Locko, and can easily get to Kedleston, but don't know how to get in touch with the right people, so any contact details would be great.


Here's hoping for a result, as I said, I'm open to all offers, meanwhile, I'll get back to the door knocking !


Thanks for looking



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Well after countless no's, had a result !

Local guy will let me cover a couple of his fields, but just for the next few weeks ( until the crops are established ) and only in the week (regulars at the weekends).

Great result.....except, all my old gear went South years ago, no decoys, no hide, etc....

Spent today frantically ordering some kit to make a start on Monday, so a cautionary tale, make sure you're kitted up, just in case someone does say yes !


Still appreciate any help after the next couple of weeks.



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