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You guys may have seen me posting about getting a Browning, HW or Sako the other day. Well after the latter two proved to be hideously expensive I got the Browning and am so far very very impressed.


At first the trigger pull was too tight, but after I sorted that out it's now shooting ragged hole groups of up to 7 shots and any flyers are my fault. The stock is lovely, although i will have to get a Butt spacer to lengthen it, the action is fantastic, all together a great rifle.

A proper review will follow, but at the moment it's too windy to get outside and shoot it any further than the 50 yard indoor range i've set up in the farm buildings.

So far though i would highly recomend this rifle, although the screw to loosen the trigger pull seems to be rather loose at the pressure I like it, and i would slightly worry about it falling out in the field.


For some reason it's also quieter than my CZ.



Edit: and thanks to Vmax55 for his review and recommending the rifle to me.

Edited by Horrocks
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Dab of Loctite on the adjuster screw? Look forward to reading the full review.


Also, I'm intrigued (and a little bit jealous) to read of your own indoor 50m range, how cool is that? We need pictures!


:lol: I clearly made the 'range' sound a little better than it is, which is an old wine box filled with sand and pinned with targets (and some very solid backstop) at the far end of a disused pig-shed! I must say it works fine though and provides a wind (though not dust) free range. Pictures wouldn't do much good im afraid, it's full of assorted bits of machinery gathered by my grandad over the years.

Review will follow when I'm back at a hopefully windless home this or next weekend.


Thanks for the suggestion about the screw too Blunderbuss, perfect.

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