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typical police

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Stock! Ol' Bill have to investigate alleged crime...


But hunt leaders pointed out that all but a handful of prosecutions were of poachers and not organised hunts, and last night they countered claims that the West was a hotbed of illegal hunting that should be further investigated by police.


Perhaps you think your plod do have better things to do...


But the police response to the hunting issue is mixed – in Gloucestershire earlier this spring a clash between anti-hunt protesters claiming a hunt was breaking the ban was met by a large police presence and the arrest of half a dozen of the protesters.


You could always redirect your displeasure away from your (perceived) Nemesis and towards the elephant in the room...


Sara Rutherford, Gloucestershire's hunt spokeswoman for the Countryside Alliance, said the only reason allegations of illegal hunting were higher in the county and in the South West as a whole was because the region was the only place with regular anti-hunt monitors.


Still, much easier to crank up the outrage bus for a day trip to Dock Green, than actually doing something constructive to help counter the LACS propaganda machine.

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