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shooting buddy for pigeon shooting

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hi i have my own land to shoot that has rape on it at the mo and the other bit of land i have is weat so will have plenty of land to shoot on. so i am after some one who is 30ish and lives in coventry/bedworth/nuneaton and have there own permission so we can do days on both permission and can drive so we can share the driving to the land. as it is not far off combineing soon



thanks pigeonboy

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hi i have my own land to shoot that has rape on it at the mo and the other bit of land i have is weat so will have plenty of land to shoot on. so i am after some one who is 30ish and lives in coventry/bedworth/nuneaton and have there own permission so we can do days on both permission and can drive so we can share the driving to the land. as it is not far off combineing soon



thanks pigeonboy


I say - steady on fella, is that not a bit "Ageist"

You cannot discriminate purely on age - Where would that leave us octaginerians eh?

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all i am saying is that i would like to try and have a shooting buddy my own age as i already have a shooting buddy in his late 60 and after a hour with nothing he wants to go home and do his allotment

productive sort of feller then, i know a few shooters that wont sit out in a field

and twiddle there thumbs, in there words, think its an early bath :lol: :lol: :lol:

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all i am saying is that i would like to try and have a shooting buddy my own age as i already have a shooting buddy in his late 60 and after a hour with nothing he wants to go home and do his allotmant




He's a kiddie!!, In the new coalition world he wouldn't even be retired! :angry::angry:

Mind you when you get to my age every hour is a bonus - an hour wasted sat in a hedge staring at a whirly is an hour you'll never see again.... :no:



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