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help webley raider


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Hey all

I have a webley raider 2 shoot pcp and I am new to the pcp, is there anything I shold know or could help me with this riflw

I also have a large eva green in my garden is there any way I could atract pigeons to it. On a more seriois hunt, I hunt for rabbits most weds is it ok to give my dog rabbits as hole if I remove the intestines any help would be good. Karl

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Hi Karl, unless you have a massive garden I would forget any idea of shooting pigeons out of any tree, any pellet crossing your boundary means you are breaking the law in a big way.

As for attracting birds in, unless they are causing damage to crops or plants then you might be in contravention of the general licence which again can cause you trouble, especially if you have neighbours who feed the birds.

You can feed raw rabbit to your dog but far safer to cook it to kill any parasites or nasties. Better still, eat them yourself.



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Hey thanx for ur reply, my garden is pretty big but I did not even think of the law and u are right no need if there not making any problems, spose its just the novilty of my new rifle. When I give the rabbits to my dog do I need to de skin or any thing? I did try and gut and eat one my self, but it taste like it smelt when I was gutting it, don't no if I did something roung! Cheers

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Rabbit needs to be paunched fairly quick after shooting if possible, after skinning try dividing into joints and then soak it in strong salty water for at least 12 hours. You might find you enjoy it more if you dice the meat and then use it in pies or casseroles.

As far as the law goes, I'll presume you haven't realised that an airgun can actually get you into a lot of trouble including a prison sentence.

An air rifle at 12 ftlbs is capable of sending a pellet over 400 yards if fired in the air, if you want to shoot in the garden make sure you have an adequate backstop, if you have neighbours don't fire towards their property. If the neighbours are reasonable then talk to them first if possible to re assure them that you will be safe and aware.

I have an agreement with my neighbours that I tell them I am going to shoot, if they are in the garden I don't start until they go in. When I'm shooting I have a little union jack flag stuck on a fencepost, if they see it , they know what I'm doing.

Your best bet is to concentrate on getting written permission to shoot on land that has a problem with rabbits, pigeons, rats etc.

Good luck with your shooting.



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The flag idea seems gd I talk to both sides of next door so ill tell them to look for the flag, all 3 gardens back on to a field with not a lot in it, but I think I will consontrait on the golf course more. Thanx you for ur effot tim

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