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In light of some recent posts where nuttiness and nut-nuts have been mentioned, I thought I'd post the sort of thoughts that enter my head on a worryingly increasing basis. These are the sort of questions that pop into my head, but never get resolved. The might of PW will know the answer. My post refers to Nutella - the chocolate spread that comes in jars or the middle of expensive chocolates used by ambassadors. This is a true-life experience.....


My other half was having a warm bagel. She spread the upper half of the bagel with Nutella, took one mouthful, screwed up her face and handed the rest to me. "Too nutty", she said. I tried it and liked it, but also noted it was, indeed, very nutty.


"I don't think it's the Nutella", said I, "it's the nuts in the bagel making it so nutty!"


She gave me that scornful look. "What nuts? They're seeds, you doughnut!" - she said, with a smirk that gave away the fact she thought her response was rather clever. Admittedly, she was right - they were seeds. There were no nuts in the bagel.


So, still determined to prove her wrong, I dipped my finger into the jar and hoiked out a glob of Nutella. It tasted really really nutty. Damn, I was wrong! It's very rare but it can happen. :lol:


Further examination revealed that the best before date was December 2010, but I never really bother about those. So, the important question that must be answered is...


Has Nutella been made more nutty?


Or, does Nutella become more nutty when it's out of date?


Any Nutella nut-nuts out there who can provide an answer?

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Its all down to the rabbit in the nut going off causing the nut to be stronger once i have a camera and a nut to hand i will prove this to you honest :good::lol:


Ok just did google and found this pic saves me doing it








The 'Rabbit' is the best part of the nut. Always like the last of a big bag as there's rakes of them in there.

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