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Pole Star

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Have any Pigeon watch users ever heard the old tale of IF THE TIDE IS OUT THE RABBITS WILL BE OUT ? I first heard the saying in Co Wexford in Ireland where I lived some years back . I never gave the saying much attention until I moved up to Orkney & heard the very same saying from a loacal orcadian chap here wich is hundreds of miles away from Co Wexford !. I can think of no reason as to why rabbits should want to be out of the warrens while the tide is out ! , but as I live close to the sea here there appears to be a little truth in it ! or is it just coincidence ?. Dose any one know of a science behind this tale or is just another one of those old country sayings . Thanks Pole Star

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this may be a clue as to it's origin -


Wild rabbits moult twice a year. Many moulting rabbits have a noticeable "tide mark", and if you blow into the fur at the moult line the skin appears dark in colour where the new hairs are growing through.


just a thought :hmm:

Thanks Pigeonstool An interesting one ! all these old sayings must have an origin some where, yours is the only suggestion so far & the post has had a few looks so lets see if any more come in & see what any one else thinks ? . I bet some smart alec will think of funny reason yet ! I dont mind a bit of light hearted humor though as it helps the day go on !!! . I must dig in my old book collection & see if I can cone across anything , there was a book called Private Life of the rabbit by Lockly but havent been able to find a copy , I wonder . Kind rergards Pole star.

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