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Wind and light rain was the key yesterday (thursday)


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Went out yesterday with my shooting buddy Phil. Arriving at the farm at 11.00 am. We checked out several fields of rape stubble for about an hour. Found two fields where quite a few pigeon were feeding, and decided on the one without the public footpath running alongside it.(Not that many people use the footpath, but nevertheless.)

We set up alongside a good hedge with the wind slightly behind us, blowing from right to left. It was wind and constant drizzle, but we did get some decent shelter from the hedge. Two hides 100 yards apart, two decoy setups, with Phil to my left.

Set up and ready by 12.30pm.

Straight away pigeon were diving in, mainly swinging around and trying to land in Phils side. Within the first hour we'd shot 42 pigeons. With Phil shooting 26 of them.

We thought we were going to be in for a mega bag, but,,, the rain stopped, and the wind stopped, and so did the pigeon.

It went really calm and still, and nothing !

A bit later, the drizzle started again, and the breeze picked up, and the pigeon came in again, for about half an hour. Then rain stopped ,wind stopped, and so did the pigeon.

For the rest of the afternoon, things went pretty much the same, except the wind (when it did decide to come)had changed direction, favouring my side of the decoys.

It decided to rain properly just before we packed up, so that everything went in the 4X4 soaked.

We ended up with 99 birds. Yes 99, we waited and waited for bird number 100 but it never came. It all went really dead after about 6.30pm.

I ended up with 51 and Phil had 48,so all in all it was a great afternoon. Even though we did get a soaking. :good:


There was a few ferals that kept coming around the decoys whenever it was calm, we ignored them for while, then decided to shoot them. After all, that's what we're there for.These didn't go onto the total woodpigeon count of 99.


Wheat stubble soon ,I reckon !! I'd better get some more cartridges.

Edited by caeser
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