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Looking for Shooting rights / permissions / syndicate Warwickshire

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Good afternoon everyone,


I have recently been granted my Shotgun License and am looking for local land to shoot on.


Iam 30 years old, sensible, responsible and a full member of BASC.


I own an 18 month old working Cocker Spaniel who I have been training, with the help of experienced gun dog handlers / trainers for the last year.


I have no real interest in taking part in shoots where I would be firing 100's of shots and killing scores of game - not got a problem with it but I just don't think i'd derive much enjoyment from that.


Instead, what I am after is permissions on some local land where I could work the dog, carrying my shotgun and hopefully flushing one or two rabbits / pigeons / gamebirds and hopefuly bagging a couple - then cooking them later!!


I have a few friends with contacts and have made a few inquiries into shooting rights with local farmers and joining syndicates that I am aware of..... I would be more than happy to make a contribution for any land that I can work the dog on.


My post code is B46 and I am situated near to Coleshill in North Warwickshire - I'd be more than happy to travel 30 minutes or so.... Ideally I'd like to be able to do an hour or two early mornings whilst walking the dog, thats why im looking for somewhere fairly local!


Thanks in advance for any help anyone maybe able to offer me!!!!

Edited by Eely Rags Bing
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