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Fac newbie


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Hi all,


As above I'm looking for some hints and tips on apllying for my FAC!!


I have some ground I shoot over which I'm hoping the police will pass, if that fails can I put down some land a friend has?

Am I right in thinking I'll get a closed cert for a certain amount of time?

Im hopefully going to add a .17 hmr with mob for my first rifle, is this wise?



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To apply for an FAC you need to have land that is or needs be cleared for the caliber which you are applying for for example your mate has permission to XYZ on land you would need the land owner to give you permission as well, He will need to sign a letter which you need to send with your application to your local police firearms licencing dept


Now you have put your applicaton in with the correct calibers and sound moderators the Fire Arms Enquiry Officer will contact you and take things to the next level.(security ect)


You will only be able to shoot on the land which the land owner or farmer has given permission for you to shoot on.

After this any land you get permission for you need to get in writing that you have permission and this needs to be passed to your local police for clearance if it is not already cleared.


For example i have two land owners which own 6 farms between them and all land is cleared up to 22 center fire so i can apply for any thing up to that i had to apply for each caliber to be placed on my ticket so i have 2 x .22lr 1 x 17Hmr and 1 x .223 Rem also each firearm you apply for if you want a Moderator you must add the words Moderator (caliber) and the reason ie Vermin cntrol.


Shot guns do not count and do not need land unless they hold more that three carts.


The more land you get and the more you shoot is how the police dicide if they will giv you an open ticket My area they look at first renewal thats 5 years.


I hope this helps explain it a bit

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