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I was trying to research data on the law and Highways with reference to shooting and Googled the topic.

It came up with a specific document entitled 'How to oppose Shooting' by Animal Aid - whoever they are.

Anyway, as its well advised to know how the other side thinks, recruits its members and the advice it gives re the law, I read it.

Its 40 pages of 'advice' and links to their anti -shooting campaign which begins this month.

Its very interesting how they use the shooting press to guide their campaigns and the BASC guides to exploit weakness in the arguments supporting shooting. Worth a look if your blood pressure can stand it.

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I hope you found what you were looking for firearms guidance wise Kes, but if not this link may help: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/utilities/document-summary.cfm/docid/8201D2D3-E4B1-4333-B24BA94A9790765C


This AA ‘attack’ is nothing particularly new, nor frankly has it gathered as much publicity as they may have wanted.


Interesting I agree how they jumped on the rather silly comments made by Bill TD last year about forming a new shooting organisation to campaign , possibly against BASC…talk about being your own worst enemy!


As any of you who have read this drivel, much of it is out of date and inaccurate. Best consign this rubbish to the recycle bin in my opinion.


Regards to all



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