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Shooting sticks


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Had a fettle earlier in the garage, based on HuntersVermin shooting sticks idea that I would guess many have copied on youtube. Made a short version for sitting in longish grass or over stubble, etc, too.


Basically B&Q garden canes £1.89 each, bit of water pipe cut to an inch between them, with 2 tie wraps (instaed of O-rings that perish) to connect the 2 sticks together.


Pipe lagging glued in place then wrapped with old offcuts of Jack Pyke stealth tape to make softer on the rifle and blend the black lagging in better.


The bits half way down stop em clanking together while stalking.


Et Viola!!





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  • 2 weeks later...

They look fine and they will no doubt serve you well mate! :good::good::good::good:

I made and use a similar set of sticks but mine are made from two telescopic walking canes which extend to about 150CM which might not be any use to the "taller" shooters amongst us but are fine for me as I am only a 5 foot 6 inch short ar$e. This means that I can adjust them to use for sitting, kneeling or standing shots and I only have to carry one set with me!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

They look quality indeed.

as you said check out the hunter vermin video.


I just made some 3 sets to be correct as per the video here below and some with the larger rods and pipe lagging as his other videos show...



cost me less than £9.00 and only took 15mins to make to make the taller sticks with pipe lagging.


thanks for that.

Edited by Jesse James
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