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First day on new permission


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Hi everyone, just thought id write this for anybody who has been searching in vein to get there first permission.


I have been cold calling farms in the Manchester area nearly everyday for 6 months trying to get that illusive 1st permission.


The other day i got a phone call of a lady who i had spoke to a couple of months before saying she had a massive problem with pigeons in her barn attic and wondered if i could help....I didn't need a second invite ha, i went down the day after and got her to sign a permission slip.

As i climbed the ladder into the attic with my .22 Webley axsor the pigeons went crazy but after a couple of mins standing still they settled down on the roof beams and one by one i began to pick them off.

There was 2 birds stood together on a beam so i took aim to the closest one and squeezed the trigger, to my amazement both birds dropped to the floor stone dead, the pellet exited the 1st and struck the pigeon behind in the chest.

After an hour and 23 downed Pigeons later the barn was clear and the lady was delighted to have control of her barn back.

lots of pigeons used there little heads and flew out when the shooting began so i am going back to finish them off.


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