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Paterdale/Lakeland traing issue


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Just wondering if anyone can give some advice please.


My Dad has a male Patterdale/Lakeland cross terrier who is approaching 1 year old. He is fine in respect of the sit,stay and come commands when no other distractions are around. However this is not the case as soon as he either sees or smells potential prey like fox deer bird or cat. What ever you say to him or whistle he is off and only comes back when he feels like it. Even as soon as he starts to look like he's interested in something we would call him back but to no avail and then he's gone for 30 mins. As you casn imagine this is quite stressful when he is gone incase he gets injured, injures any lives stock or creates another problem.


We've had our fair share of dogs running off in the past after quarry such as lurchers and jack russels, however this one seems far more eager to go and chase. We dont want to restrict him to a lead as we are very much of the correct opinion that a dog on a lead is not having the best quality of life. As a shooting person and someone born/brought up and lives in the country I have plenty of space to walk him when Dad is around.


Could someone with experience of this provide some direction/thoughts as to what we could do to get him better trained and begin to solve the issue while he is still young??


Some assistance and thought would be much appreciated.




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Hi terriers are very strong willed and you should have resolved the recall at an early age but with some terriers thats a lot easier to say than it is to do you must spend a lot of time with the terrier. I work terriers and there are some terriers that once they realise they can dissapear do it with alarming regularity and it can be nightmare to correct but back to basics which means a lead and only freedom off the lead in an enclosed area. I'm going to pm you and if you are a junior Make sure your dad or mum reads the pm.

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