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Rangefinder or Rangefinder binoculars


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Looking at getting a rangefinder but got the nagging felling should spend more money and treat my self to a pair of rangfinding binos, currently go a pair of minox hg which are brilliant was thinking of getting a the ziess prf rangefinder but how well does this cope under the lamp and how accurate is it in such conditions?

Or option 2 is to splash out and get a pair of ziess rangfinding binos

What do you guys prefer separate rangefinder or combo as weight must be an issue if you have them around your neck all day?

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RF binos aren't significantly heavier than the equivalent non RF version. The Zeiss ones are superb, as are the Leicas... personally didn't like the feel of the new Swaro's in the hand although I'm sure they are as good as they always are.


Far more practical to have the two functions combined.. you spot something you press the button, you have a range.. no messing about swapping between gadgets or remembering to pack and then having to carry 2 items.


As for weight round the neck... wouldn't know.. wouldn't use bins for a long period without a harness... I forget they are there 30 secs after putting them on :good:


In conclusion... if you can afford it, get the binos with built in RF... you won't regret it!

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