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Problem with MK70 safety


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I bought a new grade 5 MK70 in Feb this year. With the gun I was told came an auto safety kit amongst the usual stuff. When I took the gun out and shot with it I found that the safety automatically came on after firing both barrels and opening the gun. I just simply assumed that the gun must have been fitted with the auto safety although I remember being told it wasn't. I have shot with the gun quite a lot this year and this has always been the case until in August I had some problems with it when I would switch the gun off safe and it wouldn't fire. After a little messing around with the safety I got it working again but found the safety stopped flicking on after I opened the gun. Assuming there was an issue with the safety I took it in to the gunsmith and told them about the sticking safety catch. They striped it and gave it a good clean and I got the gun back. Due to work I didn't shoot much with it but the last time I shot with it I found that the auto safety wasn't coming on and that when i fired the bottom barrel first it wouldn't fire. I tried selecting the the top barrel first and found that I could fire both barrels but only in this order.


I thought that maybe the auto safety was the cause of the problems and took it back in and asked them to remove it. I went into the gunshop later and during a conversation with them seemed very confused about what I wanted. I repeated that the auto safety seemed to have some issues and that I wanted it taking out so I could see if that was the cause of the problems I was experiencing. To my utter surprise they told me it didn't have one fitted! I could tell they didn't believe what I was telling them and suggested that maybe I was accidentally flicking the safety on myself but I replied that it was working as clockwork since the day I got it and other people have shot with it and been caught out by the 'auto safety' as they forgot to switch it off safe after reloading.


My question is has anyone ever experienced anything like this? The gunsmith has had the stock off and says there is definitely not an auto safety fitted and everything seems to be working ok now.


I am going to carry one shooting with it but if I get any more trouble I am going to send it back to Browning.


Cheers in advance



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