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Everything posted by Nikk

  1. Still looking....happy to pay, just want a few days out and don't care about bag sizes or any of that rubbish
  2. Thanks for the info I didn't think there were any greys here! Is he part of the red squirrel trust Wales?
  3. Not been on the forum for a couple of years. We moved from Stockport to North Anglesey last year and for the last 4/5 years I was in a syndicate that shot over two farms in the Llanerch-y-medd area but that has been disbanded unfortunately. I'm hoping to find some rough shooting, pest control or maybe a decent small and friendly syndicate, happy to put in work days. No dog as yet but we're looking for a part trained cocker at the moment. Got shotguns, an air rifle and BASC insured, would love to have a permission so I can get a FAC. Would also consider taking on sporting rights on a farm to experiment with putting a few birds down/feeding up a pond and for a bit of rough shooting if anyone knows of rights available. Also if there is anyone else from Anglesey that fancies meeting up for a clay shoot or a spot of fishing sea or freshwater get in touch Cheers Nick
  4. If you live on the Island let me know, it would be good to know a few people. I used to shoot in llannerch-y-medd for the last 5 years. We now live in Cemaes Bay. Cheers Nick
  5. I was told by the water company not to get one because we had two kids!! If you are using it normally and saving money I think we should get one as well, one of ours has left home.
  6. Nikk

    xbox n boys

    Computer games like the TV are very addictive for kids. You need strict limits but putting them in place retrospectively is going to be very hard work.
  7. Look for somewhere that is closing down. That's what I did and got two excellent quality sofas half price
  8. FWD's thoughts are exactly what the government (especially a Labour one) will try to exploit, jealousy and class warfare. Some pensioners are well off it is true generally they are ones who saved through their working life and worked hard to get a good well paying job with a decent pension. Every time they take something from the middle classes but not from poorer people is just one step closer to complete socialism. We're not far off that already in my opinion, the harder you work the less you are rewarded as they tax you much higher and take away any benefit or help. Years down the line they will probably take away state pensions from middle earners, maybe even some health care, they already screw people out of their life savings when they need to go in to a home. I ask myself what the point is of working harder and saving more when it just gets taken away one way or another.
  9. I fear that poorer people are being encouraged to believe that package food is cheaper when I don't believe it is. Supermarkets are often more expensive than grocers, butchers provide better meat for the same money and home cooked food should be cheaper than packet alternatives or at the very least the same cost. The problem is that when ever anyone with money says anything remotely like this they get attacked, even Jamie Oliver who (annoying as he is) has done a lot of good to draw attention to diets particularly in schools. One thing you never get from packet food is leftovers and it used to be leftovers that formed the basis of lunches etc, think soup, sandwich meat, stock.
  10. I had that and it hurt to *******! The five holes in my shoulder didn't look much but I was suffering very painful twinges for months afterwards. It's ok now though and I'm glad I had it
  11. Hits the nail on the head doesn't it. The left back in those days seemed to do anything that would go against the old system more often than not just to rub their noses in it. When you look at the comments made about immigration during the last government (how it would annoy the right) that mentality obviously hasn't gone away.
  12. Our meat comes from a butcher, veg comes from a grocer and fish comes from a fish shop. We know what we are eating because it's all home made including the bread. As an example I was talking to my dad yesterday about something similar. The RDA of Salt is something like 6 grams, we measured it out to see how much that was and it's loads. As we cook our own food and use little salt we can put as much as we like on our meals and I am very sure it will never get close to 6 grams in a day. salt is put in processed food as a preservative, a can of baked beans has nearly 2 grams of salt it in. If you put two grams of salt on a home made pizza it would be inedible! So how do they manage it? They use sugar to balance the flavor. Sugar takes away the saltiness of food but you then end up with processed meals filled with salt and sugar. We haven't found out how long this current generation (fed on rubbish) will live for though. People who are dieing at 85 etc we born in the 1930s and had a more sensible diet.
  13. Maybe some of them are intollerances rather than allergies but I believe they do exist. I used to love brazil nuts, one day I bought some chocolate covered brazil nuts while we were on a field trip on Anglesey. My throat swelled up and started itching it was a very unpleasant experience. I've tried eating them a few times after that because I wasn't sure if it was real but it's the same every time. Also Macadamia nuts do the same thing but not the rest of them. Many allergies take years to manifest themselves though, you can be unaware but over time your bodies reaction gets worse and worse.
  14. Good riddance to him. Not sure what difference it's going to make I worry about the kinds of people that are attracted to work for the RSPCA. I would like to see them spend more time on helping and educating rather than prosecuting and bullying.
  15. Water cooling is the way to go you can get kits which are easy to fit.
  16. I think this is why he's stayed away from the UK up to now isn't it? I'd give anything to see that smarmy *** go down for a few years
  17. Nikk


    Two things I love about winter is frozen dog poo (so much easier to pick up) and no muddy paw prints in the house from my dog!
  18. Nothing to see there...move along quietly 28% overall unemployment (61% youth unemployment) is nothing to be concerned about....nothing will get in the way of the wonderful European dream.
  19. That brings back some memories our freezer was full of bulls eyes and god knows what else for my mum's classes. The best story she had was when she'd forgotten to get the rats out the night before so tried to defrost them in the microwave in the Home Economics room....you can imagine what happened
  20. Nikk


    Been very mild and wet here. Plants didn't really die off as we didn't have a frost. Saw a bat the other night as well...nuts!
  21. Well if you don't like the populist Right wing parties sprouting up in Europe all the better reason for us to get out of it! We can still be friendly neighbors and do business without them telling us how to live our lives
  22. Probably the best antivirus there is in my opinion. I've used it for a few years now.
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