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1 roe doe and 1 very large fox shot friday!

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Got up early on friday morning loaded dog rifle and tools and headed of to the farm and arrived at 7, went for a stalk round the farm and all that was seen was an absoulte cracker of a roe buck and i mean a cracker, i stalked up to him and got within 20 yards just closing in on him very slowly, he knew something was wrong and ended up walking up to me and took a good sniff and then jumped fence and stared at me throughn the wood and then faded away, that was that for the morning i then walked back to the farm house.

i finished off some work for the farmer and decided on another stalk, i got the wind in my face and had a slow stalk down to where i saw the buck but this time i went straight down to the meadow and back around to where buck was, nothing there now looked through the wood into the field and there were 2 does,got closer had a good look at them and watched them for 10 minutes yearling was a cracker mother was getting on a bit so decided on her, now where they stood there was no chance of a shot sold had to get down underneath them which would put the wind behind me but i had no other option so i stalked all the way around on the lower side of the woods it took 1 hour.I made my mind up to get down there and sit in the high seat and wait for them to come over the brow they didnt! i sat for 40 mins and they sat on the brow chewing there cud,next minute out of my perhiple vison i spot dr fox sneaking 40 yards away from my high seat, he slipped into some bracken i flicked of the safty and waited for him to come out he then skuled out close to the ground,he must of scented me so i gave him a whistle he looked straight at me stopped dead and i squeezed of a shot to his neck, i instaly glassed the does and they were still sat there!

i climbed out of the high seat and had a look at old foxy and bloody hell this is the 2nd one shot here in the last 2 weeks and again he was huge, the full length of the rifle and mod inc 46 inches he must have weighed 35 pounds i have never seen foxes as big as this!!

any how the does were still on the brow of the hill so i decided to stalk up the fence line and have a go from there i got to within 80 yards and they scented me and got up and trotted on a bit into the field, i then went into the wood and stalked the hedge line ,again they knew something was wrong and the yearling trotted to the middle of the field and mother followed perfect for me they went into the dip so i slowly climbed out of the woods and crawled across the field and got to within 70 yards of them set my self up prone and glassed them again for a few minutes and yes my mind was made up to take the old girl, i aimed the rifle and then had to wait for the yearling to move so i could have a clear shot, i waited for what seemed like 10 minutes for her to move i then gave a whistle and pulled the trigger when she stopped to look at me, she fell on the spot stone dead. I reloaded and stood prone still incases of any movement but all ok. watched the youngster bound off she stopped twice i glassed her and she disappered into the wood. I unloaded the rifle slung it on my back glassed the old girl agin to make sure and all was ok.

Well happy with the result farmer was over the moon and a good days work done for the farmer!

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