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Removing the wood glue on a stock


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I'm not aware of anything that will undo a bond made with proper wood glue !

I know when furniture is dipped for stripping that certain glued joints come apart, but that's a bit extreme for a stock.


Your best bet would be to use the finest saw blade you can - preferably a band saw and follow the cut, then sand perfectly smooth.


It will be interesting to hear other peoples views on this as my old boss (I served my time with a cabinet maker way back when) used to say - the screws just hold everything in place and it is the glue that's the strength in any joint that's done correctly.


Good luck.

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Sounds like you are shortening the stock? If you were willing to lose the addition that's glued in place for good, you could chisel away the extra bit in chunks following the grain from the butt plate end, the wood will split until it reaches the cut and fall away in chunks.

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