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Decent Gun Shop In Penzance, Truro, Newquay?


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Must be someone who lives down that way, I just need to pick up some Tru oil, I'm going on holiday down there and thought I'd take the airrifle, with the week I'll be down there I reckon that I will be able to polish her up nicely



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William,where exactly are you staying?as for shops try Helston Gunsmiths 01326 573385 Prestige firearms 01326 572130 or Martin Elworthy 01726 821118.i can persionally recommend all of the above but i get most things from prestige firearms as John the owner is a nice guy and sells stuff at very good prices.On your way down why not nip in to ladds and the sportsmans gun centre they both have loads of stuff.pm me whereabouts you are staying and i will give you a few directions from there :ernyha:

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