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rapid basher

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There are a few depends what you want? Cheddar http://www.brookbankshooting.co.uk/ ? Southern Counties not too far away, few small grounds about Podimore? (one near wellington, Heywood good for practice) one near weston there are some corporate grounds and some straw balers too.


staw balers :huh: corporate grounds :huh: im a newbey just want a bit of

practice :lol: inlightin me


thanks for the help

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Strawbalers = none formal competition (pay a few £ shoot in a feild with some traps in a structure 60 birds £15 etc, need cert and own kit)

Corporate Grounds = You pay they provide it all the kit and tuition (some offer open practice)

CPSA grounds = Formal competition/tuition and practice (most also offer corporate facilities)

There are some others where you can have lessons practice etc but aren't clubs/formal grounds one i know of is basically a private practice ground for some top shooters who live locally and you can rent.


IF you have an SGC and gun you can shoot at most (CPSA membership required for some) if you have SGC you can shoot at most if not you need to go to one with a police exemption 11(6) (most will have this apart from straw balers)


IF your new then a couple of lessons to get you started are they to go.

Edited by HDAV
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