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banger rope help to bag pigoens ?

Matt Gould

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hello im currently shooting pigeon on a large field of rape and afer a few shots they feed on a couple of different parts of the field, trouble is i dont know wether to put banger ropes out on these spot because there are surrounding rape feilds what are not my ground and just worried if put em they might bu**er off there :hmm: but on the other hand the might send the birds back my way. what would you do im not sure???????

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helloI'mm currently shooting pigeon on a large field of rape and afer a few shots they feed on a couple of different parts of the field, trouble is i dont know wether to put banger ropes out on these spot because there are surrounding rape feilds what are not my ground and just worried if put em they might bu**er off there :hmm: but on the other hand the might send the birds back my way. what would you do im not sure???????


Flag the areas where they are going too, you dont need banger ropes in the same field.

Just cut some hazel sticks from the hedge and then tie on plastic bags or cut up old brightly coloured fertilzer sacks and attach to the sticks and position.

Im damned if I know if colour makes a difference but it looks pretty.

I actually sat in a one ton fertizer sack and got a good bag in the middle of a field of rape lol.


Edited by Alanl50
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