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went out for a nice coulple of hours wailk

this afternoon and my one of my permishins is picking up

after a bad case of mixy . fort id try my new 12g on the rabbets

and had 6out of 7 so was happey,, with wailking around a couldint

help but notice the hundreds of rabbets holes, so am thinking of

buying a couple of ferrets but can anybody tell me (what the small breed of ferret are called)

and do thay take a lot of looking after

atb pete

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Hey mate, ideally you need a couple of Jill ferrets,iv seen males get stuck, albino or polecats it doesn't matter they do take alot of handling (I give mine a minimum of half an hour each per day), they love to be messed around with and there is some really good ferret sites and books and DVDs that will tell you everything you want to know. They are quite expensive if your going to get locators and collars but it can be done without. You will need: good ventilated carrying box, locators,collars, purse nets, decent spade, game bag, maybe long nets, depending what you want to do it can get stupidly expensive like any hunting/shooting sport!! My suggestion would be to get out with someone who knows what they are doing to get some first hand experience. If you want to no anything pop me a pm atb matt

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