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Have you broke down?

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I travelled this morning with a friend to Euston Hall Thetford, to attend the CIC Trophy measuring day.

We left quite early and took the back roads through Halsted and Sudbry as the A12 and A14 is very boring. Plenty of pigeons feeding early on the rape from the out skirts of Chelmsford all the way to Thetford.

A few miles to our destination we spotted a stalker on our right, as we passed the end of the wood, there were 2 Roe deer sitting out in the field around 200 yds out, so we spun around and decided to watch for a few minutes hoping to see the doe drop on the spot.


Then a big red 4x4 towing a beaters trailer went past us and pulled up quite sharply and swung in to the field. A few seconds later a chap came walking down the foot path with a pace to his step, as he came closer the deer got up and moved off.

I had worked out what he was going to ask me but never mentioned to my friend who was driving. So I wound down the window and waited for him to speak. He said “are you broken down” I replied no, but did you think we were going to shoot your deer?


That is the real truth why you have stopped; he then said well I noticed the deer antlers in the back of the car as I went past.

The conversation did carry on about they had deer shot from the side of the road etc and to be honest I was disappointed with his manner a stalking guide. We decided to leave so we pulled up to the farm track and head off to our destination, a head popped out from the back of the beaters trailer and a guy stepped out in stalking clothes with a camera and rifle case on the seat.


So seizing the moment I said good morning to him and he replied in a Scandinavian accent good morning. I then replied did you want a picture of these and pulled off the back seat the set antlers I was taking to be measured.

The Danish guy went to take a picture of me with them but I handed them to the guide who really didn’t want his picture taken and was regretting that he had bothered to come and talk to us!

The guide could have approached us in a far different manor to say the least, also we were heading to a location of a large estate full of over seas stalking clients who could well have pulled up to watch the deer just like us!

We enjoyed the day, met some interesting people and learnt something about watching deer from the side of the road!!






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I must admit I probably would have been a bit suspicious, can't really blame the guy for being worried Tim.



Did you go back and shoot them? :lol:


Norfolk stalking guide talking to Essex man in car….

What big eyes you have….

Essex man replies….all the better to see in the dark and shoot your ******* deer :lol::D



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