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Elite Trigger

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Hi Lee, welcome to the forum.

I can't help you with the recoil pad issue....but I do know this..every rifle is different...each has it's own pellet preference and it's up to you to find it. I can suggest Accupel to start with....I use them in all my rifles and find them perfect.....other people will disagree...but the point is... it's down to you to find which you and your rifle like best.

Hope this is some help, however small, welcome once again.


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Hi Lee, welcome to the forum.

I can't help you with the recoil pad issue....but I do know this..every rifle is different...each has it's own pellet preference and it's up to you to find it. I can suggest Accupel to start with....I use them in all my rifles and find them perfect.....other people will disagree...but the point is... it's down to you to find which you and your rifle like best.

Hope this is some help, however small, we start with a welcome once again.


I agree save your money and your sanity :good: Accupels to start, consistant and hard hitting, and above all it does exactly what it says on the tin!!! :)

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German rifles have barrel rifling size of 5.55mm where british rilfes have a 5.56mm barrel.

So in theory german pellets should be better in german barrels and english pellets in english barrels.

But this is not always the case. Your best bet is to buy different brands and try them. Zero your rifle with one pellet to start with.

Then take ten pellets of all the different ones you have, get some blank sheets of paper and put a aiming mark on there. DO NOT ADJUST YOUR SCOPE AT ANY POINT DURING THIS.

Aim at your target and fire your two groups of five, aim at the same point for every shot and which ever brand gives you the smallest grouping stick with it. Then adjust your scope to the pellet you have chosen and pratice.


As for changing the recoil pad i wouldn't bother, the weirauch pad is very good anyhow :good::)

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