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Selling a firearm on pigeon watch


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Hi mate,the buyer and seller both meet face to face, you fill out his document and he fills out your document (FAC)with name address and serial number etc...

pay cash and go on your way ,you have to inform your police firearms dept of the transaction within 7 days.




you can pay a fee to an RFD firearms dealer and both pay I think its about £25 - 30 for the privilege.


hope the quick brief helped you understand the way it works

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Either the buyer collects it from you and you fill in their certificate with the firearm details as usual and notify the police, or if the buyer wants to buy it without coming to collect it then you can take it to a RFD and transfer it to them. They take the gun off you and send it by courier to the buyers' RFD, who then transfers it to the buyer.

You don't have to do this, i.e you can only allow a face to face transaction, but if you are local to a RFD and receive the money by cheque, PayPal etc then anybody can buy it without having to travel across the country.

RFD do charge for this, so you'd normally ask for the money to cover it from the buyer.

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