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need some help


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hi erm i bought a new bsa t-10 and i loaded up the mags and fired then the second shot just was a blank fire so i took the mag out and realised after you fire pull the bolt back then press the trigger nocking a pin to spin the mag to the next pellet but on every video i have seen on YouTube it spins the mag by just pulling the bolt back but on mine i have to press the trigger once the bolt is back wich presses the ratchet in the mag to hop to the next pellet


any one won one of these ? help :)

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i had this problem

when you pull the trigger this moves a pin which hits the bottom right of the magazine to "spin it next shot " (cycle) but if the mag is faulty when you pull the bolt nothing happens as the spring is feked so by tapping the trigger when nothing is holding the mag in place (when bolt is pulled back but your holding on to it)

it should cycle


either send to mag to bsa for free fix if under warranty or buy a new model of magazine hope this helps lewj

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but when theres no mag in i can press the trigger and the pin will bob up and down and when i cock it the pin jumps up so i no its not the gun thats broke just the mag but i load the mag with no pelets in like tension it and the little ratchet on the mag works though i got a credit card and pressed it and it hopped round :/ so i dont no whats goaing on and when you cock the gun do you have to pul it back even further than what you would to cock it to put the mag in because on mine ive got to cock it then pul it back even more and keep tension on the bolt then put mag in then let go of the bolt then lock the mag would realy apreciate any help :)

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but when theres no mag in i can press the trigger and the pin will bob up and down and when i cock it the pin jumps up so i no its not the gun thats broke just the mag but i load the mag with no pelets in like tension it and the little ratchet on the mag works though i got a credit card and pressed it and it hopped round :/ so i dont no whats goaing on and when you cock the gun do you have to pul it back even further than what you would to cock it to put the mag in because on mine ive got to cock it then pul it back even more and keep tension on the bolt then put mag in then let go of the bolt then lock the mag would realy apreciate any help :)


i'll post this up on the bsa forum and see if they can help you out. :D

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Take it back to shop, say "This rifle does not work properly! I want a new one!"


to be honest it sounds like all you need to do is pull the bolt back further each time you use it.


the r-10 and t-10 both need the bolt pulled all the way back, i had an r-10 and it did this but only when you don't pull the bolt back enough. just pull the bolt all the way back and you should be fine. usually there a little click for that extra bit

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