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Thinking of a daystate harrier


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Why would want to sell an Hatsan AT44 2x 10shot mags Air gauge Walther Barrel i have three all with wooden stocks and i love them. 1 in .177 cal 1 in .22 cal 1 in 25 cal.. :good:

And they are all very accurate out to 60 yds the .25 cal suffers pellet drop at that range. :good:

I have to know my mil-dots at that range more so with the .25 cal. :hmmm:

I don`t like the synthetic stock ones i like a nice bit of wood. :yes:

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Well that`s the first one i have heard of with a mag problem you do have to push the pellets in to the mags with a finger nail or a probe it makes it a lot more Accurate if you just push them in it damages the skirts of the pellets when the mag rotates. :good:

Have a look on YOU TUBE at Hatsan AT44 there`s loads on there. :good:

Or AIRGUNTV they did a review on the AT44 and the new BT65 that looks a lot of gun. :drool:

Edgar Brothers the importer will sort any problems out and they are very helpful. :good:

The only problems i have had was two of my Air tubes had a very small air leak out of the air gauge. :sick:

I phoned Edgar Bro they said send them in.

They were back in less than a week with pens calender note pads and other free bees but best of all two new spare air tubes they had put new air gauges in the two i sent. :yahoo:

I filled all four air tubes to 200 Bar and they are all still on 200 Bar after months of being stud. :yahoo:

I think you will be very happy with your AT44 when the indexing problem is sorted out has the shop sent it back to Edgar Bro. :yes:

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I am thinking of getting rid of my hatsun at44-10 shot 177 in camo, i like the daystate harrier has anybody got one ?


Just looking for some reviews on the harrier... i hear they are pretty good at 50 yards


I have an old Harrier in .22". Excellent rifle. Lightish in weight, very accurate, superb trigger and I get about 80-90 good shots. It has proved to be reliable over the years. The only problem I had was a leak at the inlet valve. Soon sorted.

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