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.410 folding (poaching style) shotgun


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Could any of you experts out there please give me any info on the following gun, I have searched high and low and can't seem to find anything.


I recently obtained a very old double barrell .410 s/s double trigger, hammer gun.


I im quite interested in finding any info out about the gun, as i might sell it if anyone is interested. First glance the gun is very old looking, but at the same time looks very nice. Dont know if its quite a collectors piece, but could be wrong.


The gun itself has "modern arms co" stamped on the top of the barrell, along with the stamp to say its been nitro proofed.


Shoots very well, knocks clays out of the sky at 20-25 yards away.


Could this be of interest to anyone, or can anybody please enlighten me on the background, and possible value of the gun.


Cheers Guys



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There were loads of this type of gun made in Belgium and other places (Spain is one, where my mates dads gun was made, El Chimbo is the make) back in the day, not rare by the usual definition but not as common these days. I take it that it is the side lever type of opening?

Not meaning to put you down mind, my mates dad has one and I love it, I am looking around for one myself. A really fun little gun to have in the cabinet methinks.

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My mate has one that sounds fairly similar to that!

he brought it for ferreting as it is easy to carry etc due to its size and ability to fold up! very handy little gun!


I think he got it for about £90? I could be wrong though!


My Grandad also has one but the barrels want hold shut! I thiunk there a fair few about!

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