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Anyone going Deer Stalking ?

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Evening all , just wandered if anyone was going stalking soon and i could join then ? I'm not interested in taking a shot just need to get more Gralloching experience if poss .

Would prefer within an hours travel time from my house in Berkshire and i can supply the grubb/tea and coffee .

Cheers Chaps

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Shame you are in Berkshire, thats about an hour and a half from me, if you where closer, or willing to travel then I would show you how its done. Plenty of Roe about, always thinning the muntjac down, shot 2 and a fox on 1 field the other night in an hour.

Got a few does that need culling but will have to wait until 1st November for that.

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Nige, so all you want to do is see a Gralloch and guide you through it? Is there anything else you would like to learn? From the sounds of it you would like to tag along on a stalk/wait in a high seat, me shoot a deer, and I do the gralloch and show you how, or you do the gralloch and I tell you how to do it?

Give me a PM if you wish.

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