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Winchester 17grn hmr

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Following my thread a while ago about struggling to zero my CZ 455 hmr, I went out today for another bash. I originally used Hornaday vmax 17grn shells. They were dire and most of the cases were split. Predictably, poi was all over the place. I switched to remingtons, but still had a weird problem. Zero'd at 50, 3 inches left at 100 and 3 inch groups? Zero at 100, 3 inches right at 50 and terrible groups. :hmm: Up to this point, I was seriously dissapointed with the hmr not living up to its reputed laser accuracy. :no:

I changed the scope mounts for some BKL's. I also picked up some Winchester 17grn shells and despite the bad experiences some have allegedly had, I thought things couldn't get any worse.

I spent a couple of hours putting through 50 remingtons and 50 winchesters. The upshot was the remingtons and the winchesters are both accurate at 50yds, with most of both going in a 1/2 inch circle. At 100yds though, it was a different story. The spread on the remingtons was about 21/2 inches with a flier or two, the winchesters were amazing, with pretty much every shot dropping into less than a 10p sized target :good: .

So its another case of finding what diet your rifle has a preference for. It always puzzles me how bullet/pellet fussy they can be and what is terrible in one can often be supreme in another. :yes:

Anyway, I thought I would pass on my findings for info.

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