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Brocock Hunting Master


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Hi all, I was having a flick through this months Airgun world magazine and came across the Brocock advert. It had the Brocock Hunting Master advertised, it looks a good gun, Im wondering if anyone here has used one before? Also I realise at the moment they are only FAC, but I wonder if they will make it available as 12ftlbs? If anyone has any information on this gun Id be very interested to hear from you as I am interested in this gun :good:



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NEVER EVER buy a new type of air rifle out just because "it looks good". Most of the new rifles out do not have a very good trial period, they do this on the unsuspecting public and get them to return the rifles and fix any faults.


wait a year for the rifle to have a decent trial. see what people say about the rifle then dedcide if you want to have a closer look.


ROB :good:

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Ok, Don't worry I wouldn't dive and buy it, Its just that when I googled it there was absolutely no information available and I've never seen it in the magazines for sale. I've found out now that its only available in FAC versions anyway, and I'm not getting my FAC anytime soon so its a miss on that. Next year I am probably going to get an Air Arms S410 as they have superb reviews and I need a 177 PCP.


Thanks for the input,


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