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If it's not one. It's both!


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Actually it's all of them.


Sadie has a clicky elbow - it's old age creeping in, she's done well up till now and at 11 I think it's alright for it to start to show.


With Benjie, it's the lack of exercise and the over feeding my in laws are giving him. I had him last weekend and he was like a coffee table!


With Jack it's a flea allergy from my parents cats when we went to visit. Hopefully the advocate is working it's magic.


With Louie he lost so much weight (which is now back on) and has a ruptured ear drum.


Pennie last night decided to give me such a scare I ended up ringing the emergency vets. On a walk yesterday she's poked her eye on a leaf. Then came up to me last night hardly being able to see out of it. Bathed it, gave her some Piriton and some meta cam and waited till today - woke up to a bright eyed girl. However she's become very clingy and sleep this past week and a friends bitch has been giving her a hard time. She's coming up to 9 months old so I don't think I'd be wrong in thinking her first season is just around the corner.


It's never just one of them is it. And in my case it doesn't come in 3's it comes in 5's!

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