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Animal Aid

Elmer Fudd.

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Following on from the W.H.Smith thread, I see that Animal Aid have placed an advert on page 19 of todays (Saturday 27 October 2012) Daily Express, calling for a "ban on sales of gun magazines to children." They are asking for donations and will send campaign postcards asking WH Smith and Martin McColl to stop the sale of gun magazines to children. No mention of any age limit. Looks like they are trying to step up their campaign.


p.s. According to their website, it's also in todays Guardian.




Edited by Elmer Fudd.
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They may be small and underfunded but they certainly put our shooting organisation's press departments to shame when you consider how much money they gain from membership subs every year.


The little snowball at the top of the hill is starting to gather momentum.

Edited by Livefast123
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And here it is in all its glory:





Picture taken from the Express. I couldn't bring myself to even pick up the Guardian.


It's a quarter page ad on page 19, and quite frankly unless you were interested in the John McCririck story at the top of the page it's very easy to miss it altogether. I can't see it attracting much attention in the Express to be honest, and lets face it Guardian readers are all veganistas anyway. It seems to me that Animal Aid are preaching to the converted...never a good use of funds.


It may convert a few, who knows, but as they only took out a one day advert it'll be tomorrow's chip paper and I reckon they'll have wasted a few quid.


It does however make you wonder why they felt the need to do this in the first place. Unless of course their WHSmith 'campaign' is beginning to unravel?

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And here it is in all its glory:





Picture taken from the Express. I couldn't bring myself to even pick up the Guardian.


It's a quarter page ad on page 19, and quite frankly unless you were interested in the John McCririck story at the top of the page it's very easy to miss it altogether. I can't see it attracting much attention in the Express to be honest, and lets face it Guardian readers are all veganistas anyway. It seems to me that Animal Aid are preaching to the converted...never a good use of funds.


It may convert a few, who knows, but as they only took out a one day advert it'll be tomorrow's chip paper and I reckon they'll have wasted a few quid.


It does however make you wonder why they felt the need to do this in the first place. Unless of course their WHSmith 'campaign' is beginning to unravel?


Yep. The advert will be in the bottom of budgie cages across the land in a few days.


Notice how they always bring up "majority public support" to justify their campaign, and the fact that it was they who commssioned the poll. Clearly the poll was biased from the start. If they had majority support, then why are they wasting their money?

Edited by Reece
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