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great weekends sport


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A while ago my shooting mate invited his cousin and a friend up for a weekends shooting and it finally happened this last weekend.

We started on friday morning with decoying geese into a green park that they had been on for a couple of days and had a great morning with everyone having a shot and we ended with 9 geese. The geese came in well in the half light but when the light came in fully there was something putting them off, we never found out what it was but with 9 geese in the bag we were not too worried.

Back to mine for a good healthy fry-up before heading out for a walk. One of the boys asked what we would be shooting and I said mostly rabbits and some snipe and theres very slim chance of a wood cock. We parked the car, got over the fence and the first that got up was a woodcock which fell to my second shot, the boys were buzzin. After about 2 hours we had 2 woodcock, 4 snipe and around 40 rabbits they were delighted, grinning from ear to ear. That night we split up and went for a night flight, two of us hoping for duck and the other two after geese but the wind fell away and left us with a big moon shining down on us. We never saw any duck but the other two managed to bag a goose.

Next morning saw two of us under a good flight of geese while the other two were trying to decoy geese into another park. We had a good flight and bagged four geese each but the other two had no luck with all the geese passing just wide and a bit high.

I couldnt make it out for a walk that afternoon but the three of them went for hike through the hills with one really wanting a grouse and the other wanting a white hare. When they came to mine later I was delighted to hear that the one wanting the grouse had managed a brace of grouse and a golden plover, but unfortunately they hadnt seen any hares.

The night flight that night found us at a couple of splashes but again the moon did not help although we couldnt complain, we had two mallard the other two bagged 3 geese and a teal.

On saturday morning we spotted a good flight line that we thaught we would try on monday morning which worked out well as on monday morning we all got birds again and left for the car with 8 geese and plenty of smiles all round. After breakfast we headed into the hills to look for a hare. We had a good walk and after seeing plenty of hares, all of which were out of range, I heard a bang. When I caught up with them I was delighted to see that the one that wanted a white hare had one in the bag. On the way back to the car I got one too.

That night, which was their last, we went to another couple of splashes. After about 20 minutes it was clear that we were in the wrong place, we hadnt seen a thing while the other two were getting plenty action judging from the bangs. We left for the car with nothing and met the other two with 6 teal, 1 wigeon and 3 mallard.

Its not often everything goes to plan but i think this last weekend went as near to plan as anyone could wish for, I think they will be back. The one thing that is really anoying me and i am kicking myself for is that i took no pictures, one of the boys took quite a few so hopefully he will send me some.

Hope this didnt bore the knackers off you, just thought i would share my enjoyable weekend.

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