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which fac air rifle .22?


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hey guys going to shift my s400 xtra hi fac,it is a brilliant rifle just fancy something shorter with fixed bottle and threaded for a silencer.think i could fancy a s410 fac classic anybody have any experience with one of these would really like something quiet and around thirty shots per fill.i don t really see the value in theobens .any ideas?

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erm not too sure if it would make any sence going from the Xtra to the classic, your only gaining a little bit in length and there not too much difference when it cocms to noise levels.


Th silencer is limited in choice due to it needing a silencer adaptor for anything other than loun and AA (possible HW will fit).


But the S410 does feel lik a totaly different rifle on the shoulder! a lot betetr ballance to it, buleing still rubish though LOL


Bets i can say is try it and see :D


any PCP rifle out there is able to go FAC power levels so have a look at the rifles out there try as many as you can then once you have it down to a couple of rifles try asking about peoples opinion on them them, much betetr to narrow it down or everyone will be advising you to get thier favorite rifles LOL



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