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Falcon FN12 lighthunter


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Hi Folks,


I have a Falcon FN12 airgun that has been hiding at the back of the gun cabinet for a while.


It has been stored without any charge in it and when I went to fill it up the other day the main valve just slowly leaks all the air away. I guess it should always be stored with a charge in it?? :good:


Is it possible to get a new fill valve for this gun?


Is it easy to change, I have the gun in bits just now, down to the barrel, trigger mec, barrel and bolt...etc.


Any advice would be gratefully received.




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Are you trying to fill it from a pump or bottle?

If it is a pump then you will not be getting enough pressure in to close the valve before it vents out again.

If you are filling from a bottle then try to "blast" a bit of air through as you may have a sticky valve and that may loosen it again.


Other than that, well you've lost me I'm afraid!

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a bit late to ask this but, is it leaking out of the barrel or is it leaking out of the fill area?


if its the barrel its leaking from it could be a seal gone. (ark ark ark <<<makes seal noise)


If its from the fill adaptor then it could be a simple case of just giveing it a good blast to dislodge a bit of dirt that got in, normaly this will sort out a leaky fill adaptor (or at least it has all the ones i have seen).


But if you have it stripped, might be an idea to change all the orings and seals that you can, probably chambers would be the best place to get the parts from, if he is back up and running yet.


all the best and hope you can get it sorted.


ROB :good:

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