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Sxp barrel is it worth it


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Hi all I have a sxp that's 2 3/4 - 3" chambered and was wondering if I got the 3-1/2" barrel if it would work for starters and would it be worth it, I will be doing some wild fowling pest control for a friend in the near future but don't want to buy a new gun really if I can help it


Cheers all

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IMO, the best of the 3' steel shells readily available in the UK are Gamebore Mammoth Steel (No.1's for geese) They're about £3 for 10, keep the range sensible and they'll kill Canada's well.


Remmington do some very good steel shells that would be suitable, but they're about 3x the price of the mammoths.

Edited by Wildfowler12
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Cheers for thar wildfowler12 ill keep that name in mind and get some once the bills have all gone out so should be good on mallard if a couple happen to fly in (its on a fishery inland) and in season of course.


And as for range 20-30 yards max should be ok

Edited by miller86
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