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Browning 725 Firing Pins


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Hi All,


I have recently purchased a new Browning 725 sporter, and have yet to shoot it in anger. However, I have noticed that the top barrel firing pin does not always return home after firing on a snap cap. It can move forward under gentle vibration of the action? It is not stiff, or difficult to move back, it just protrudes.

Is this normal, or something to worry about. I plan taking it for a lesson at the weekend, where I bought it from - should I get them to have a look at it?


Thanks in advance



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I have both a 725 Sporter and Hunter and they both have the characteristic you mention. I don't the technical aspects of this, although someone on here will. All I can say is both of my guns have a quite a few K through them now and they work without a hitch. I think I have had less than a handful of misfires since I started.

Great Guns, really would recommend getting out there and firing in anger (as you said!).


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I have both a 725 Sporter and Hunter and they both have the characteristic you mention. I don't the technical aspects of this, although someone on here will. All I can say is both of my guns have a quite a few K through them now and they work without a hitch. I think I have had less than a handful of misfires since I started.

Great Guns, really would recommend getting out there and firing in anger (as you said!).


That is a relief then - thanks.

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