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First pinks

cumbrian top shot

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Took a good friend out this morning on his first time inland decoying on the geese,we were slightly late getting on the field so we rather rushed putting the hide up and didn't put all the decoys out, anyway it wasn't long before we heard the first of the skeins calling heading our way, I turned to my mate and said have a look through the netting and see these coming a couple of quick calls on the old haydel and they turned heading right for the decoys, I said to him stay down and shoot when I say take them they came in perfect and as the gentleman I am said to my mate right take them and one folded on his second shot then I had my turn for a quick shot and dropped another. I quickly sent the dog and retrieved them both as more geese were coming but quite away off this time a pair came in and he missed so I said thats shooting for you you can't get them all, anyway we had a few more chances and I shot a few more but sadly my mate didn't connect with any more but he has gone off to work witha big smile on his face and totally hooked now. He did manage to see some huge skeins today which was awesome to watch and listen also I have promised to take him on the foreshore before the 20th and he can't wait. Well we ended up with 8 pinks which have already been snapped up by various friends and one happy mate.

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