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superior danish oil


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I've used it on knife handles and a beech stock with no issues at all. You need to allow the first coats to soak in, remove excess and let dry, then do several thin coats, allowing ech to totally dry, and keep going until you get the finish you want. I like a semi-matt finish so only put on about 5 coats but the more you do the glossier it gets but you have to let each coat totally dry first.


What issues did you have straightshooter?

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I've used it on knife handles and a beech stock with no issues at all. You need to allow the first coats to soak in, remove excess and let dry, then do several thin coats, allowing ech to totally dry, and keep going until you get the finish you want. I like a semi-matt finish so only put on about 5 coats but the more you do the glossier it gets but you have to let each coat totally dry first.

:stupid: I used it on a couple of antique chairs I'd stripped down. It gave a lovely semi gloss finish, didn't affect the wood colour and was easy to apply. Don't know what wood they're made of or how it would affect other woods. :hmm: .

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might be ok for a knife handle but not a gun stock


see my thread




I had a look but couldn't see anything about danish oil, mind you it's along thread. Could you paraphrase why it's not good as my beech stock is pretty good with a nice natural sheen, and it has lasted 5 years with no issues.

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I had a look but couldn't see anything about danish oil, mind you it's along thread. Could you paraphrase why it's not good as my beech stock is pretty good with a nice natural sheen, and it has lasted 5 years with no issues.

i just meant I know what I am talking about lol I don't know any gunsmiths that use or have used it I always say do not try to reinvent the wheel only use tried and tested methods.


all the best

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